I’ll sing ye a song of the sea, of my pirate ship Eleanor B,
We sailed ‘cross the ocean, my glad ship and me,
We pillaged and plundered and did it with glee,
Yes, I’ll sing ye a song of the sea, my lass, I’ll sing ye a song of the sea
A fortnight ago we set sail, and thus did begin this strange tale,
My crew was decked out in their colors so bright,
The sky was so blue, not a cloud was in sight,
Yes, I’ll sing ye a song of the sea, my lass, I’ll sing ye a song of the sea
And so, with our sails all unfurled, we fought to the ends of the world,
We gathered our booty, good times were in store,
Our cutlasses sang and our canon did roar!
Yes, I’ll sing ye a song of the sea, my lass, I’ll sing ye a song of the sea
‘twas then that a deadly plague fell, and I feared we were outbound for hell,
Each morning at six bells, ‘twere eight pirates less
By God, were we cursed by our ungodliness?!
Yes, I’ll sing ye a song of the sea, my lass, I’ll sing ye a song of the sea
With a vengeance the deadly plague spread, until my whole crew was struck dead,
My ship wandered aimlessly, I didn’t care,
My heart, soul, and mind retched in utter despair,
Yes, I’ll sing ye a song of the sea, my lass, I’ll sing ye a song of the sea
When finally some land I did sight, ‘twas false hope that I’d reach it by night,
For a fierce storm came raging, the swells were so high,
No crew left to help me, I knew I must die
Yes, I’ll sing ye a song of the sea, my lass, I’ll sing ye a song of the sea
Let’s all drink a toast to the sea, to my pirate ship, Eleanor B.,
She lies on the bottom not far off the coast,
With me her dead captain to comfort her ghost,
So before ye set sail, don’t forget this tale of the ghost of the Hatteras Coast
Now I’ve sung ye a song of the sea, my lass, yes I’ve sung ye a song of the sea.
Copyright 1985
Jordan R. Mencher