MUSING WITH MUSIC By Jordan R. Mencher

I hear his music and I cry
Memories of a time gone by
Need I puzzle? Would I learn
That his message makes me yearn
To turn back time, relive the joys
Of a simple life that knew no noise.

I continue to take in the beautiful notes
Memories of sunshine and little toy boats
The meadow surrounds me with all of its green
I surely was there in a place so serene
But we can’t turn back time, relive the joys
Of that simple life that knew no noise.

So I turn up the volume and fill my head
With Robert Schumann to waken the dead
And rekindle memories that never did die –
They’ll connect me forever to that time gone by;
Thus, I can traverse time and relive the joys
Of that tranquil life that knew no noise.